Men's Chef Antiskid Shoe Shoes Breathable Sports

Zarii Fashion
SKU: CJYD215100701AZ
In Stock
  • Black
  • Gray
  • 39
  • 40
  • 41
  • 42
  • 43
  • 44


Product information:
Pattern: skull
Lining material: cloth
Color: Black-better sole, gray-better sole
Heel height: low heel (1-3CM)
Heel shape: Platform
Size: 39 soft bottom and wear resistance non-slip, 40 soft bottom and wear resistance non-slip, 41 soft bottom and wear resistance non-slip, 42 soft bottom and wear resistance non-slip, 43 soft bottom and wear resistance non-slip, 44 soft bottom and wear resistance non-slip
Cutting depth: shallow mouth (less than 7cm)
Sole material: PU
Style: cloth shoes
Toe holder shape: round head
Function: breathable
Style: Sports

Packing list:
Casual Shoes * 1 pair  

Custom Tab 01

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